Getting Rid of Slugs Quickly Without Polluting the Vegetable Garden

The quickest and most effective methods to eliminate slugs from the vegetable garden are basically two: the use of traps with beer bait (a substance they are fond of) and the use of chemical slug bait. The second option is often used in the event of a significant invasion, where there are really a lot of slugs, then we find the vegetables completely ruined and feel hopeless. It is a decisive and very effective method, but it is drastic because pesticides pollute and are not advisable in an organic vegetable garden. We propose a solution for the use of this type of bait to avoid contaminating the cultivated soil and the vegetables you bring to the table. In short: if you just can’t do without it, use snail bait the smart way with Lima Trap.

Two Methods for Trapping Slugs

(click on the trap to learn how to use it)


We grow our own vegetables, we tend our garden all year round, with passion and sacrifice in the hope not only of saving money, but above all of eating wholesome, healthy, tasty and pesticide-free produce. We want our garden to be organic. But then they come: snails and slugs. One of the worst damages to our cultivated gardens and vegetable gardens. They eat our garden vegetables, feed on flowers, we find them in greenhouses and even in pots on the balcony.

There are many anti-slug methods: the more environmentally friendly ones require a lot of time and work in the face of a large invasion, and the alternative methods, such as granular slug baits, are very effective but have one major disadvantage, that of being chemicals that poison the cultivated soil. Here then are two good solutions to both problems: Lima Trap and Vaso Trap. Economical and recyclable, they are designed to control slug invasion in vegetable gardens, greenhouses and gardens whether you prefer to use slug bait or choose the more environmentally friendly method. Lima Trap and Vaso Trap slug traps are environmentally friendly and effective, suitable for solving the problem of slugs in vegetable gardens and vegetable gardens without polluting cultivated soil.


A smart way to avoid pollution and harvest vegetables intact

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