In the orchard, insect traps are an indispensable tool to combat what we commonly call apple worms, but which also infest pears, nuts, medlars, plums and many other fruits. These are lepidoptera, carpophagous (i.e. fruit-feeding) butterflies that deposit their eggs on plants. The larvae of these eggs feed on the fruit, digging tunnels, just when it is ripening and treatments are no longer possible. The harvest is ruined.
When the larvae become butterflies, they reproduce by carrying out further generations and this is where action is needed: by trapping the adults, excessive proliferation and, consequently, excessive infestation of crops is prevented. Among the most effective natural methods available for controlling codling moth, lepidoptera and orchard moths are Tap Trap and Vaso Trap, selective traps with chromatic attraction, and Sfera Trap, a non-selective glue trap, which guarantees constant attraction day and night.
(If you want to learn more about the importance of natural defence, you can find some articles here)
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